How to use markdown in Documentation System
Documentation System uses Parsedown to render markdown into HTML. Specifically, it uses Parsedown Extra, which includes some new unique nesting features and the addition of a couple of extra markdown sytaxes. A full list of general markdown sytax can be found here, however, a general list of data that might help is found below.
# Heading One
## Heading Two
### Heading Three
**bold text**
*italicized text*
Horizontal Rule:
![alt text](image.jpg)
Inline Code:
`This is inline code`
Code Block:
This is inside of a code block
> blockquote
Ordered List:
1. First Item
2. Second Item
3. Third item
Unordered List:
- First Item
- Second Item
- Third item
# This is a banner with the main color as the background {.banner}
# This is a banner with a green background {.banner .bg-green}
# This is a banner with an orange background {.banner .bg-orange}
# This is a banner with a red background {.banner .bg-red}
# This is a banner with the main color as the background and black text {.banner .text-black}
# This is a banner with the main color as the background and white text {.banner .text-white}
YouTube Videos:
| Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |