How to Install

How to install Stratis Bot

Pterodactyl Install

  1. Make sure that you have either created a server or you have been provisioned a server by your hosting provider.
  2. Upload the bot into your server container.
  3. Install the packages in the requirements.txt
  4. Edit the
    • Edit the information variable
      • Set the 'token' key to be that of a Discord bot in your server.
      • Set the 'guild' key to be the ID of your guild.
      • Set the 'name' key to be the name that should appear on the bot.
      • Set the 'logo' key to be the URL of an image that should appear in embeds.
      • Set the 'timezone' key to be a Python datetime value for a specific location (default is EST).
      • Set the 'color' key to be RGB values for the color of the bot.
    • Edit the modules variable
  5. Start the container and your bot should work! The bot uses slash commands.

Linux/Windows Install

  1. Make sure that you have Python 3.11 installed on your OS. If you're on Linux, check this link for downloading Python 3.11. If you're on Windows, go here.
  2. Make sure to install PyCord. Follow their documentation for installing the development version. This can be done by following their guide here.
  3. After installing PyCord, extract the bot into a folder where you can access it.
  4. After extracting the folder, you need to edit the
    • Edit the information variable
      • Set the 'token' key to be that of a Discord bot in your server.
      • Set the 'guild' key to be the ID of your guild.
      • Set the 'name' key to be the name that should appear on the bot.
      • Set the 'logo' key to be the URL of an image that should appear in embeds.
      • Set the 'timezone' key to be a Python datetime value for a specific location (default is EST).
      • Set the 'color' key to be RGB values for the color of the bot.
    • Edit the modules variable
  5. After editing the, open up your command prompt and navigate to the folder with the bot inside of it and run the following command: 'pip install -r requirements.txt'.
  6. After running this command, you can start the bot with the following command: 'py'